Jerin's work has appeared in diverse media from The Washington Post to Cosmopolitan. Her expertise is highly sought after as a thought leader. Please find below a small sample of her interviews.
NowThis Media
Viral video with over 1,000,000 views: Carly Figueroa, "Muslim Feminist Jerin Arifa Is Here to Explain the True Meaning and Importance of Intersectional Feminism.”
Tahseen Rabbi, "Here's Why Title XI Is So Important To Sexual Assault Survivors."
National Public Radio
The Brian Lehrer Show, Brian Lehrer, “The Other "F" Word.”
Center for American Progress
Generation Progress Blog, Vivian Nunez, “Students Lead the Charge for Comprehensive Sexual Assault Policies at CUNY.”
TV Interview with V (formerly Eve Ensler)
Gaiam TV, Mind Shift, Daniel Pinchbeck, S1 E6, “Worldwide Feminine Revolution.”
Democracy Now!
Martyna Starosta and Andre Lewis, “New York City Joins One Billion Rising to Stop Violence Against Women."
The Advocate Magazine
David Artavia, "LGBT Muslims, Allies Come Together for Pride."
Shahirah Majumdar, “Have Queer Muslims Gained Acceptance in Their Communities Since the Pulse Shooting?”
Jenée Desmond-Harris, “9 devastating, revealing stories of being Muslim in post-9/11 America.”
Jenée Desmond-Harris, “The way we talk about Islamophobia every 9/11 anniversary is maddeningly oversimplified.”
Huffington Post Canada
Terri Coles, “How To Be A Better Ally In 2018.”
New York Post
Connor Adams Sheets, “Asian-American Panel Views Domestic Violence.”
The Village Voice
Steven Thrasher, "5th Annual Women’s Awards."
Leila Ettachfini, “'I Found Home': Celebrating Ramadan at an Iftar for Queer Muslims.”
Radio Interview, Crime Prevention 101
Susan Bartelstone, "Bringing in the Bystander: Everyone has a Role to Play in Preventing Violence."
Nicole Clark Consulting Blog
Ladies Lotto
Profile of Jerin, “You're Wondering NOW.”